Since my contents page seemed too bare and simplistic i decided to put a image in the background to fix this problem. I decided to use the iconic image of the st marylebone church spire as the background to tie in with the school magazine form. However the image I chose needed to be edited otherwise it could crowd the page and draw attention or make it harder to see the text. Also the image did not fit with my colour scheme.
I used Photoshop to at first to change the 'hue/saturation' which turned the blue sky purple which fitted in with my colour scheme of my magazine and the golden angel statues green which tied in with st marylebone school or any church faith or old colledge because of the obscurity of the image and its connotations of academic aspiration besides spiritual or otherwise.
Although I had fixed the colour scheme it was still too bright so I changed the 'adjust lighting' to make the image faint enough to put behind my Contents page.
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