Monday 30 November 2009

Magazine Mock Up

Before I can start to make my music magazine cover I needed to plan the layout first so that I could use the conventions of a music magazine cover to it's full affect for my own magazine. This included where to place the masthead, strap line, date line, cover line, main cover line, main image and featured artists and what should each one include.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Music magazine cover analysis

Before I start to plan my own Music magazine cover I needed to study over music magazine covers to learn more about it's conventions and what were the most effective techniques that I could then use in my own Music magazine cover.

Monday 23 November 2009

Rock the mood

Informed by my questionnaires i started to research things that would make up the most popular genre of 'Rock music'. My magazine will feature many artists from the different sub cultures of rock such as U2 for 'New wave', Muse for 'Alternative rock', Oasis for 'Britpop', Indie rock and sex pistols for 'punk'. This would appeal to a wide range of rock music fans giving a diverse spectrum of music news. I also collected images that would reflect the mood and the type of features which will be included in my magazine. I included an image of fans at a music festival to show that my magazine will include information about new music and reviews. I also included images that were symbollic of rock music such as the electric guitar, tattoo art and badge to give it a conventional rock music feel.

Friday 20 November 2009

Questionaire charts

After I had typed up the results onto 'Microsoft Excel' in spreadsheet format I then needed to put this data into a chart format in order to effectively and clearly show my results.

To do this I first highlighted the relevant data, (holding down the left button on the mouse).
2) I selected 'Insert' on the task bar --> selected 'charts'.
3) For the first three i decided to use diferent coloured pie charts which i selected from the taskbar.
4) For the last three I decided to use different coloured 'do0nut' charts which I selected from the task bar to display my results.
The charts show the results in persentages of the 20 people who completed the survey girls and boys.

Thursday 19 November 2009

Questionaire results excel

After I had finished carrying out my survey I tallied up the results of the key questions of the Questionaire and entered them into 'Microsoft Excel' in order to display my results and so that I would be able to make Charts of the results using the program.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Music magazine Questionnaire

Before I started my Music magzine cover I needed to collect research and mass opinion about music magazine features, music and Fonts so that I could have a good foundation of research before intial design to see what would be popular and effective.

Media Project Plan

Before starting my Music magazine Project I needed to plan out the tasks of the project so that I could organise the tasks effectively and efficiently.

Monday 9 November 2009

'Sixth Sense' contents page

After i had added the church image to the background which i had to do several times changing the image to make it faded enough as it kept interfering with the readers attention. The background image really brought everything together and complete.

I also changed the explanatory to start with capitals to make it look more grammatically correct and professional and softened the edges of the images with the 'blur tool' so that they did not seem to harsh and a part of the page. To make sure that the purple of my contents page matched the shade from the cover page I used the 'Eyedropper tool' to select the correct shade from the text of my cover page and use the 'paint bucket tool' to fill in the text of the contents page so that the two pages match and tie in with each other.


Since my contents page seemed too bare and simplistic i decided to put a image in the background to fix this problem. I decided to use the iconic image of the st marylebone church spire as the background to tie in with the school magazine form. However the image I chose needed to be edited otherwise it could crowd the page and draw attention or make it harder to see the text. Also the image did not fit with my colour scheme.

I used Photoshop to at first to change the 'hue/saturation' which turned the blue sky purple which fitted in with my colour scheme of my magazine and the golden angel statues green which tied in with st marylebone school or any church faith or old colledge because of the obscurity of the image and its connotations of academic aspiration besides spiritual or otherwise.

Although I had fixed the colour scheme it was still too bright so I changed the 'adjust lighting' to make the image faint enough to put behind my Contents page.

Contents page

Using my plan I began to form my Contents page including the colour scheme, Font (type, size and colour), page numbers, editorial pillars, kickers and explanatory and images. The 'Contents' although it was purple on black it still needed a white backdrop to bring special emphasis on the title. After I had stuck to the details of my plan I found that there was too much blank space making my contents page look very simplistic and amateur therefore I needed to fill this space with colour or an image.

Font: 'Impact' for title and page numbers and editorial pillars.

'Times New Roman' for kickers and explanatory.

Friday 6 November 2009

Sixth Form Survival Guide image edited.

Firstly I needed to bring attention to my models so therefore i added another layer and used 'Gausian Blur' this meant that all the image was now blurred. Using the 'Rubber tool' i erased the blur on my models and what they were reading so that now the immediate foreground and background were now the only things blurred. This was a minor change but it made a significant difference to the image. Like in the letters image i needed to include a page number in the left bottom corner in the same font and colour and like in the letters image in font size 300. I decided to also use a black 'backdrop' on the page number to tie in with the first image.

Letters image edited

Firstly I needed to make the image stand out more as the photo was quite dark despite the natural light and seems unfocused . Although the photo was slightly blurry this was not a problem as the photo would not be very big on the table of contents and so this would not be noticed. But i still needed to make it lighter and stand out more so i used the 'hue/saturation' tool to bring out the light brown and white of the letters.
I also needed to include a page number in the left bottom corner so i used 'Impact' font in white as i had planned but found that it blended with the white letter in the same corner. To fix this i put a black 'back drop' (shadow), behind the number to make it clearer.
The pile of letters connotate that a lot of letters are being held back by the postal strike and this is a problem- that will be addressed in the magazine.

Photoshoot plan for table of contents.

For my 'Contents page' I needed to arrange and plan the two photos i needed for my images on my contents page that go with the main stories. I needed to decide what type of camera shot/angle i needed, location, lighting, model/props and connotation and denotations.
However once i had arranged the time and place for the photoshoots i found at that time I had to change my plans. Instead of one model for the 'Sixth Form Survival ' story i decided that there should be two to show that many people do indeed struggle during A level.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Unedited photos for the contents page

After i had finished the photo shoot plan for my contents page images I collected the props i needed such as the letters and the folders and books in order to carry out my plans.

I used the rooms lighting in both photos as i wanted my images to seem natural rather than meticulously planned like i had done with the main image of my magazine cover.

At home i collected envelopes and two school letters and arranged them on a pile on the floor to illustrate the postal strike story that school letters are being held up. They were too big to use macro and if i used flash it would over expose the image so i used a plain photo type. I used a aerial shot on the photos to convey how the letters are being backed up in the post office in vast piles.

At school at lunchtime i had arranged for two of my friends to model for my Sixth Form Survival Guide story showing two students with a vast amount of work in front of them which they are being overwhelmed by shown by the vast amount of folders in the foreground and the defeatist attitude of Laura's pose showing that A levels can be daunting and many people struggle with the work load. This would appeal to most students at sixth form especially those who are finding it the hardest to adjust between the jump from GCSE to A level. Again i used the room lighting and no flash for the same reasons as the letters photo but this time i used a level mid shot to put emphasis on the models 'frustration' through their expressions and their postures and to make the work in front of them look more daunting as you cannot see the end of it.